Wednesday, May 21, 2014

When I was a kid, we had horse meat

Back then..150 years ago, (feels like it sometimes) you could buy horse meat here. I have had horse meat in stew and as a steak, it is, in my humble opinion, quite tasty.  Somewhere over the count of years it disappeared from the shelf. 

There are two reasons for this, a lot of this has to do with the animals history. Since horses are not and were not raised as a meat food source and were usually supplied from race tracks, trail farms, etc. when the horse became too old or weak to do it's job...whack!!!  Unfortunately there was no telling what medications the animal had received over the years and some were not really good for humans. It is a shame because the meat had a wonderful taste. Most of the U.S. horses are now sent to Canada or Mexico for butchering and sold in Europe and Asia. $20 per pound. Since the European Authorities are now demanding history an the animal , Canada and Mexico require it now too...But how accurate is it.

The other reason for the meats decline is that Americans have become Mamby Pamby and fuzzy feeling.

Let's face it, the horse looks better than a cow, horses get names, cows become burgers. So the argument went up that killing horses is cruel, Cruelty to animals!!!  Of course it's alright to bash a cow over the head and serve him up. And let's not forget pigs and sheep, and lambs, and goats, and chickens, turkeys, ducks, and any other walking, living, breathing food source, it's only cruel to horses.

As for me...give me a steak, bloody and red rare, i'll take a bowl of horse stew, horse and barley soup, horse burgers, horse dogs, horse sausage, or how about horse fried rice.

What's wrong with eating horses, it's not like I'm talking about eating the family dog...dogs are cute, dogs are smart, dogs are man's beast friend, it's part of the family...

Ah...roast leg of Mastiff please...

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