Monday, November 18, 2013


The day began with rain and warm air, by 9 am the sun was out, the moisture was evaporating off the pavement and there was a promise of a great day to ride.The sky became an azure field with the sun generating a early May feeling, a occasional white cloud drifting lazily by like an island on a blue sea. The road beckons, awaiting the wheels of a motorcycle to swing through it's corners, crest it's hills and dive through the valleys. Autumn leaves lifted and sent swirling by the vortex of air produced behind the bike. A day to cruise and relax, a day, one of the few great days left, to absolutely immerse yourself in a mind freeing cruise through the countryside with nothing but the note of the exhaust to keep you company. A day where a long sleeve shirt is enough, no need to surround yourself in the binding, restricting wrap of leather for the reason of warmth. Today was a day to set yourself on the road and drink in the air, the autumn fragrances, to swim in the warm air, to feel the road beneath your tires, and relax.  That was the day and what it promised, the truth of the matter was, today was a day to work, another Monday to crush our will, sap our intelligence, and leave an empty shell of a person. Monday will be followed by Tuesday, another will draining day and it will be followed by three more. Monday, a Monday in November, November when the sun gets up late and goes to bed early. The light of the day begins as we head to work and slowly dies during the day, the shadows lengthening along the ground as the sun makes it was across the sky, not high in th sky like a warm Summer day, it rides low on th horizon, as if skulking along ready to dive into night at the first chance. So we emerge from our jobs ready for freedom only to find a darkness waiting, a cold heartless darkness, which will only get longer and colder before the winter solstice changes it's direction. Even then with the days slowly crawling back to a decent length, the temperatures will continue to plummet, diving low, dragging our souls with it, into the great grey colorless world winter brings. there will be no fast months like those of June, July, and August, Winter months are slower and crueler, dragging along grinding your soul through the snow and ice until your mind darkens and even your inner light goes dim and colorless...

So...with all that said...have a wonderful holiday season.

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