Friday, September 20, 2013

The Hell bent for Albany ride adendum


               I forgot to mention something about the ride back from Albany. We were cruising along Route 20 in New York coming down off the sweeping corners into Lebanon Valley when something caused me to come off the throttle and look around rather puzzled. Doug Young (the elder) was leading, Danny riding tail. We were cruising around 65 or 70 miles an hour downhill when something orangy-brown flashed through my sight line between myself and the windshield coming up from the left. The reason why I was stunned is because it hit me in the face. It impacted between my chin and lower lip and again in my nose before flying out of sight. I dropped of the throttle to grab my face. It wasn't really a hard hit causing pain, it was more of a surprise glancing blow and it was gone before I could see what it was. Danny was alongside me in heartbeat and look over curiously as to why I had decelerated. Doug was still cruising oblivious to the fact that he was alone. I asked Danny if he had seen what happened or what hit me. I had seen nothing. Still cruising slowly trying determine what it was and explaining the impact to Danny, Doug had managed to check his mirror and found out we were not as "in formation" as we had been. At the bottom of the hill we pulled into Lebanon Valley Raceway. As I explained to the two of them the impact I noticed that the empty orangy-brown object which had been mounted at my knee was missing. 

It appears that while the Harley Davidson cup holder mounted by the horn works really well at holding drinks, it doesn't do so well at holding empty drinks and after you get enough bouncing and aerodynamic pressure through the circular drain hole, it will launch the empty into the airflow. Since the draft created is one that rushes under the fairing and up  into the lower pressure air between the rider and windshield it discharges the empty like an ejector system right into the riders face. 

Probably looks something like this now...only...Larger

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