Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Never be afraid to drop what you're doing and work on your bike

There are times out there where not everything goes to plan. As long as you actually ride your bike instead of parading back and forth on Main street looking cool, Sooner or later you will find the bike will not work as it was intended. Don't get upset, this happens with all machinery after a while, the mileage builds up, they get tired. The point is, sooner of later you will find yourself sitting on the side of the road. Don't fret, climb under that bike, get your hands dirty, grind that sand into your hair.

It's OK, don't you know, Real men have scuffed pants and dirt in their hair. 

Real men have grease, grime, dirt and oil, under their nails and deep in the skin on their knuckles.

There will be times when more serious work is required, like a heart surgeon working on a patient, you can't sweat the little things, you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes you need to have oil puddles under the bike, slipped ratchet scraped knuckles, blood and oil dripping on the ground and running down your arm. Sweat and dirt smudged into your face as you try to see what and where the problem is. Real men get it done... 

And there are times they can't be gentle about it, sometimes it's for the patients own good. Sometimes you have to do...

What you have to do.

But there are times when even the greatest surgeon can't do the job, once in a while the patient has to be transferred to another facility. It could be that you don't have the correct tools where you are, sometimes you may need a transplant and the patient must be transferred  It' s OK, there may always be a "sometime".

Photos courtesy of the "Connecticut to Alaska and Back,  Almost Home, Somewhere on the middle of the country riders".

Oh by the way, even the greatest Doctor can lose a patient, don't take it too can replace the patient with new, and

You may even find use for the corpse...

Even these carcasses were young once.

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