Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sandra model gun

I want you to watch the video below, I believe it says something about the world we don't live in. I say don't live in, because we as Americans suffer from a Turtle complex, we live in our protective shell, hiding from the rest of the world and not even wanting take a look. but we are fast at making judgments  Maybe it's time we did take a look, for our future generations sake,(if there are to be any.)

The girl below is a model,  She was a child model, the point of this is post is, below she is in a classroom, and you will watch this child take down and rebuild an AK. Just as if it was an everyday event. You know why? Because it is. All over the world children are taught to handle, take care of and use weapons. Because an educated society is ready for what comes down the line. In the line of historical events, Russia's Revolution was not that long ago, they still remember. World War two, is still in a livable memory, the nation makes sure it's people are ready. Our revolution is something they may mention in school, for some reason omitting the fighting involved, it was over two hundred years ago and fought with antique weaponry. For us the revoltion is a historical footnote, "We were born here, whats the issue?"

Over here, we shield our kids, they can't watch what really goes on in the world, can not be subjected to the violence, even if they wanted to, our news is screen and filtered so that no one gets upset. 

Maybe if we showed our citizens the footage that the rest of the world sees, see's how children all over the world are killing people in wars, torturing people, blowing them up. Maybe we wouldn't be so secure in our beliefs, not so comfortable in our ignorance, maybe we would have children who aren't so innocent and carefree in their youth, but might actually be prepared for life's reality's.

Maybe, just maybe our schools should teach weapons handling.
If nothing else, it might just keep them from blowing their own brains out.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Good argument. The same could be said for food too. How many of us could actually raise our own food? How many less would be able to slaughter animals for meat?
    2. The video would have been more impressive if she fired the weapon before and after.
