Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Let me tell ya a story, Ocean Beach

I went to a meeting recently for the MC and it was decided that the members should go to Ocean Beach in New London Connecticut on Monday nights like they used to. So Monday I hopped on Jenny, flew down route 184, crossed the Thames river on I-95 and headed to the Club for practice, (hey, I can't follow instructions). I watched the Drill team at play for a couple seconds, was told to throw Jenny through the course but unlike an Electra Glide (Harley's Biggest and best) a Dyna has the turning radius of a small truck.

After watching for a bit I headed to Ocean beach and arrived there about 6:15pm. I was there to join the other members of the Club and show the colors. I parked the bike, and found that besides myself there was...oh....lets see, 1, 2-3,4,5,6-7-8-9... no one. I was it. Walking around I did find one other member Jon Kataisto was there with his Mini in the car show. We talked for a bit, then decided to head out. We decided this for two reasons, first, Bar Rescue was coming on at 7pm and I wanted to see myself on television, second, it was starting to rain. I jumped on Jenny and flying down the interstate I noticed something, something I had never noticed on the Limited or the Street Glide, rain hurts. No..rain always hurts, I've known that, hell everyone knows that..but with Ape Hangers on the bike, rain hurts the underside of your fore arms. Never had that before. I stopped at the diner and the girls put Spike up on all the wide screens and they had a good time picking out the members they know, which amounted to Myself, Danny and Jason.  I was filmed walking in the door, then standing behind Danny at the bar, that was it, my 6.005 seconds of Television Stardom.

Anyone want an autograph?


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