Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What have we become?

I believe the members of our society have become too comfortable, too far removed from reality, and too much into "it's feelings" to be allowed to survive. 

Every once in a while I come across an article that makes me cringe for the so called 1st world, the world that feels sorry for it's third world peoples but for the most part wouldn't do anything to help them if there was a sale on somewhere. The funny thing is, if the shit were to ever hit the fan in the way of a massive collapse of society, the third world would keep right on living while the citizens of the powerful nations would curl up in a corner and wait to die.

We are a people who live on electronics, fast service, fast foods and Super Walmarts. Most people, and not just the youth, are so detached from the realities of the world, they couldn't help themselves if they had to. 

We love to eat burgers from those quick food chain, just don't show us images of how it's made, The Chicken joints are killing how many thousands of birds a day, "Oooh that's horrible, extra crispy please".  

The thing is, we as a people, unless we are poor, or work in specific fields have no clue how they are fed. There used to be a slaughter house in Massachusetts, then people moved into the area, building houses all around it, they then forced the business to close because of the smell. People, it was in the woods, away from the towns so as not to bother anyone with the smell, you are the morons who moved next door. 

A butcher shop in England had to change the front of the store, seems people were all upset by seeing the sides of beef and such hanging tin the windows, Oh they'll eat it, just don't want to see it.

We surround ourselves with services, our would is contained on a little four inch screen in our hand, food shows up cooked or wrapped to be cooked, and anything that might cause us injury is removed or has a myriad of warning labels on it. Then when something does happen we punish the people who designed something instead of the person who did something stupid with that design.

The Human Race are the only creatures on the planet where weak genes are set aside for protection. The theory that the stronger genes survive is being swept away.

  Perhaps it is time for a Hollywood like Apocalyptic even to hit, it would hopefully work like a purge, the self sufficient, intelligent, and strong should survive, and those of us who, don't know what it is without google to explain it, can't stand the site of blood, and take no responsibility of blame preferring to blame others for their own failures, will rapidly roll under the tides of change, be splashed to the four winds and or left to molder in the ditches.. 


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