Wednesday, June 22, 2016

By now everyone has seen the pictures

There has been an internet uproar against indecency regarding the Colombian Bicycle teams uniforms. Seems people consider the uniforms pornographic, and photos have gone viral.

The thing is, people are saying that the uniform has a flesh colored stripe located lower middle and it makes the girls look nude. The truth is, yes it does look like they are showing more than they should in that photo, but then, it is a crappy, not sharp, off color photo that has gone around the world. 

As you can see in the photo above the color is more beige gold. The uniform was designed by one of the team members and was approved by the sponsors. Although everyone now seems to be running for cover or taking no responsibility. If you look at the photo just above it is actually a good color combination against the yellow and red. It just depends on good lighting, and no unwanted shadows.

If the lower white stripe had been straight across from side to side, it never would have become internet fodder.

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