Sunday, May 24, 2015

Connecticut has a couple dams in it , (one or two). After the Saturday ride I decided to find out more about them...

Dams, I found out, are not categorized by height or length, as a matter of fact it has little to do with the dam itself. It is what behind the dam can do if things go wrong.

The Classification is called:   Category Hazard Potential

It rolls like this, 

 Negligible Hazard/ Class AA No measurable damage to roadways, land or structures;, negligible economic loss.

 Low Hazard/Class A Damage to agricultural lands, unimproved roadways, with minimal economic loss.

Moderate Hazard/ Class BB Damage to normally unoccupied storage structures, damage to low volume roadways, moderate economic loss.

Significant Hazard/ Class B Possible loss of life, minor damage to habitable structures, residences, convalescent homes, etc. Damage to primary roadways and railroads, significant economic loss.

 High Hazard/Class C Probable loss of life, major damage to habitable structures, residences, convalescent homes, schools, etc.. Damage to main highways, great economic loss. 

How many dams in Connecticut?

Since all classes are counted....a lot.

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