Tuesday, December 3, 2013

what is the problem with the internet?

You can ask a hundred different people and they will all tell you something wrong.

The Internet is a giant cache of Everything,  it has Pornography, (all types + more), Violence, An abundance of mis-information, Lies, Viruses, Malware, Spyware, opinions, opinions about opinions, opinions opposing opinions, car sales, motorcycle sales, gun sales, ammo sales, horoscopes, weather, politicians, lawyers, hookers, drugs (legal and illegal), sewing machines, stickers, boats, planes, bicycles.and the list goes on and on, if it exists in the world or in someones imagination, or in someones imagination that they think is reality, it is on the web. 

Everyone will pick something they believe shouldn't be on the web, and I agree, there is a lot of accessible things on the web that shouldn't be accessible. But no matter what your complaint is, that complaint is not the problem with the Internet. All the things that you think are wrong, someone else thinks is right and there lies the problem. When you open a source to the world, a source anyone can access, anyone can post on, you are going to get the things you believe shouldn't be there. I remember when this all started, there was talk of a world wide (stated with awe) source of information accessible to everyone, A Utopia of shared information. What I cannot believe for the life of me is that anyone actually believed any of that. Any place you open that anyone can be a part of cannot be Utopian. Let's face it, there are people out there you wouldn't want to talk to, people you wouldn't want to hear from, people who should be locked away for observation. And instead we gave them a platform to promote their mind. Want proof, go to you-tube and watch what these idiots do. There is one realm I find amusing, go onto the video sites and type in UFO, or Aliens. You will find thousands of videos showing proof of their existence. Now I'm not saying they don't exist, but with all the footage out there of them you would be lead to believe they are running on a super highway through your back yard. I myself would hope that any life form which has the means of traveling through space to distant worlds for what ever the reason would be better able to conceal their existence. I watched a video of one of the ships the other day on the web and you could see it was a light reflection on the lens. 

What I find truly scary is there are people out there that you can show a 2 second shaky clip of a Frisbee flying across your back yard and someone out there will believe it is actually a UFO. 

You see the problem with the Internet isn't the Internet, it isn't what's on the Internet. The problem is we let "People" use the damn thing and as we all know.."people" are screwy.

Look at yourself, you have been sitting there for the last couple of minutes reading what I just wrote, doe's the fact that I wrote this make it true? Are there really people out there who shouldn't be on line? 

I don't know for sure....... in my reality...definitely.

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