Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Working in Toyota this morning.

I remember when I used to buy Toyota's, I had a couple or three over the years, they were bullet proof, they were dependable, they were great.

Now, I don't know, I am thinking about changing the name of the department, maybe..I'll name it after a fictional business...Total Recall.

It's seems that if it isn't an oil change then there will be a recall.

Let's see... Spare tire holder, Airbag, Frame spraying, Frame replacement, Clock spring spiral cable, seat belt re-tractor, rear control arms, brake master reservoir, Hybrid power transistor, window switch, electric water pumps, etc etc...believe me, there are more.

You know, I remember when, in the 1960's and 1970's Toyota was this inexpensive well made car which was competing with GM, Ford, and Dodge. The big three had a lot of defects and that really helped Toyota grab the market. Looks like defects come with quantity, the more vehicles you cram out the door the more chances for defects. Who knows, Maybe Toyota will fall back the way the big three did when the smaller upstarts start pushing.

What comes around goes around,

How do you spell Hyundai or KIA...

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