Thursday, March 23, 2017

The 1960's and 70's when cars were the length of an M1 Abrams tank

When cameras required something called film which had to be developed. 

Back when photographers had to be photographers, there was no taking 80 photos of the same thing to get a perfect shot, Cameras didn't hold that much film. You had to have the correct film ASA to get a photo, (ASA had to do with light absorption and exposure time, (younger people can look it up on Google)). There was no computer to plug your camera into to make corrections. If you didn't know what you were doing you got shitty photos (or you didn't take pictures)

Coke...there was one, it had sugars, it wasn't classic, it was coke. If you wanted to be on a drank TAB

What the hell is a telephone and how did you carry it?

This man created the first Cell phone, it was 1973...How did you carry that?

portable phones in the 1970's required a bit of tech to travel with them

Car phones weren't much more agile.

Here's a bit of...why something its called what it's called...

Dialing a phone.

You see that round thing with the numbers in it, you had to stick you finger in the hole with the number you wish to use and rotate (dial) the number to that crescent looking stop thingy. Do this seven times and you made a local call, do it ten times and you made a in state call, do that eleven times and you were doing long distance. If you wanted international you would need the country code and dial that also.

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