Thursday, December 17, 2015

I love commercials which bash then praise

Take the television advertisement for e-surance, it starts out proclaiming that companies claim to save you money but either that won't say how, or they can't say how. The ad goes on to say how e-surance is Internet formed. It saves money because of this. The ad leads you to believe that standard insurance companies  are lying about the savings. At the end of the commercial the ad proudly proclaims it is supported by Allstate. Wait a minute, isn't Allstate one of those misleading standard based insurance companies?

So... are real insurance companies good then?
And if e-surance uses a standard insurance company as support, does it have to do things through standard policies, how do they save you money then?

It appears that perhaps the Web based system maybe lying, is it possible that maybe, just maybe the way they save you money isn't because they are Web based and Web born, maybe the coverage just isn't as good. 

Contradictions  in the ad?
Makes me wonder about the policy.

Or is it all just smoke and mirrors, since the standard Insurance Company bought out the web based one, and if the web based one is now part of the big one, can they really tell you how they save you money?

Just a thought.

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