Sunday, December 31, 2017

Train Tickets must have been cheaper in 1954

There's a Christmas Movie where two war buddies go into show business, they meet a sister act in Florida, and travel to Vermont for a White Christmas. White Christmas... Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye.

They leave Florida and travel past the palm trees on their way to New York... on the Santa Fe Railroad... Which didn't go to New York, it also didn't go to Florida. It did go from Sacramento to San Diego, but only as far south as Galveston Texas, and only as far east as Chicago. So I assume they must have traveled west on another railroad to get to the A.T. & SF.   They could have picked it up in Louisiana and taken it to Chicago. then maybe New York Central or the Pennsylvania Railroad to New York.

From New York they headed to Vermont, on the Southern Pacific Railroad. But it went from Portland Oregon and San Francisco to Saint Louis, Memphis, or New Orleans.

Some how though, they arrived at Pine Tree Vermont and found their former General running a ski resort.

You see, I always thought the people who run the Hollywood movie money were smart, cutting here and there, telling the directors and film crews what they could do and could have. But I guess when it came to trail travel they had no idea how to get from the East coast to the east coast.

Perhaps they just ran into a pretty shrewd ticket agent.

Not only did he have they traveling all over the country for no reason, he also sold they tickets to a town that didn't exist...Pine Tree Vermont? Only Hollywood would come up with a name like that.

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