Monday, November 6, 2017

Let me try to understand how much power the U.N. has.

At one time, a very, very long time ago, like biblical times, there were a group of people living in an area with other people. For many reasons many of them left and went out into the world, moving into many countries and starting better lives. This is both understandable and admirable. After many generations and a few centuries a war broke out. Many of this people were rounded up, persecuted, tortured and murdered. After the war was over, these people found that they had no where to go so they headed back to their biblical homeland. There the United Nations determined they could start a State, a Country, a home of their own. The thing is, there were people living there already and they were forced out. They not only lost their homes but their Country. Their brother nations came to kick out the new arrivals and were beaten back. 

Now, I am writing this in hopes of finding out what authority the U.N. had to create a State in someone else's home land. There is no racism involved in this writing, but the place was called Palestine, the people who lived there and were forced out were Palestinians. 
The names kind of go together.  Why would an organization of Countries steal land from one people for another. And could not these "Leaders" see that this would cause turmoil to an area and spread across the land.

What would be the difference if today, the U.N. decided that since we do have a large country, "All" Syrian refuges world wide were allowed to start a new "State" in the U.S.. To due this they opened Maryland, Virginia , North Carolina to them, Those that already lived there would either become members of the new State, governed by it's new laws or have to leave. 
 Because that is essentially what they did in 1948 in the Holy Lands.

We are allies with Israel and it has been to our advantage many times, also a bit of a headache. It is hard to look sincere in working towards regional peace when you are a heavy backer of one side over the other.

 Either way, it's done, and it is the world we have today, but, Who were the U.N. to do this and what were they thinking. Peace didn't seem to be one of their concerns.

Honestly I believe it was one of the first NIMBY cases documented. No country wanted an influx of refugees, and let's face it, times were a little more racist. So, what to do? Dump the problem somewhere where it was thought would have little impact on all the western Countries. Little did they know.

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