If you like that ham salad they make in the local big chain supermarkets, you may be surprised to find out how much ham is in there. The salad is held at the deli in a giant bowl along with all the pasta and veggie salads, but after talking with three, (yes 3) people all who worked at the deli counters in three different stores I was surprised to find out, that it is ham salad, and chicken salad, and bologna salad. You see, the amount of ham in the salad depends on business, ham salad in three of the major area supermarkets is made the same way, by taking the ends of the meat left over from slicing and throwing it through the grinder. but you see, delis have a few ends by the end of a day, and not all are ham, but, waste not want not, it can all go in.
So you see, it isn't bad for you, and it pretty much explains why ham salad at home doesn't taste the same. You're not adding the right meats.
I asked one of the people how can they call it ham when it isn't,
he told me "Sure it's Ham, if HAM means Hybridized Assorted Meats.
He thought that was funny,
You know, so did I, I bought a pound,because truthfully it tastes pretty darn good, and what the hell, I'll eat kidneys, gizzards, hearts, and intestines.
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