Sunday, August 17, 2014

FIRE!!!!! Oh wait....STEAKS!!!!

Tonight was the Riders Of Fire Steak night. Let me start by saying I have been looking forward to this for a while, they always, Always put on a great feed and It's always good to get together with them and the Freedom Riders. So let me get on with the story while I sit here drinking my Tullamore Dew, (very smooth and after the third glass the arm doesn't bother me anymore, and even if it did, I don't think I would really care).

I got out of work at 2 and took a quick nap. At 5 I awoke in a panic, I was going to be late for work. A fuzzy moment passed when I realized it was Sunday morning and work was not an issue, then I realized it was Saturday and the dinner was soon. Looking at the e-mail ... Oops, AOL was three minutes ago. I jumped on Jenny and took off to the Poquetanock fire house.Being late the adrenaline was running and the arm did not bother me once during the ride up, I arrived shortly after the Club did. It was a good turn out. There was no wait for the meal, we entered, paid for the meal, invested in the 50-50 and raffles, 
(I chose two, the Jack Daniels and the Tullamore). Salads and drinks were already available, you almost got the impression they had run one of these before. A short time shooting the shit and saying hello to old friends and the meals were ready. Steak, baked potatoes, green beans, baked beans, onions, peppers, and mushrooms. Myself, after already having salad, enough green stuff is enough green stuff, ordered my steak naked, baked potato, and baked beans with bread. We sat down to eat and talk, I brought up the pix of Ashley Fiolek on the blog to ask John Cherrick since he runs dirt tracks if he had his own custom panties and if he knew of her, he said she's crazy, all the kids are,then he told us about getting his ass kicked by a 10 year old with a pony tail.

There was a small delay between eating and the drawings because we were waiting on a New York Chapter of the Riders of Fire to arrive. Once they had their chance to buy in, the drawings were held, the first item raffled was this now, not so full bottle of Tullamore Dew Scotch Whiskey. Honestly I have never heard of it before but I believe it is quite possible we may become close friends, like Jack and I. The JD went elsewhere, But the club did win some Captain Morgan, a bike cleaning kit and a handmade portable bar cart, to be delivered later even though there were plenty of instructions how to attach it or tow it home with the bike.
The first person to win the cart, much to his embarrassment, was the Rider of Fire member who built it,( but he turned it down). This brought a comment from another of his chapter about it's quality since he didn't want it 

The 50/50 was won by one of the NY chapter Riders of Fire, he is donating it to the run tomorrow, (Babies Heart Run). Any profits incurred by the Riders was going to the Veterans facility. 

 It was a great evening and it gave me a chance to see members I haven't seen in a while, Dave Adams and myself headed to the Diner afterwards, but I decided to drop off the bike (arm was useless and sore) as Dave continued on, I met him there with the car. After eating the steak diner all I wanted was a coffee and an ice tea, Dave found room for a milkshake, barely. 

One other note, not being able to have sweets I avoided the dessert table, but with everyone around me drooling and slobbering over how good it all was I had to give something a try. Being weak when it comes to Peanut Butter I opted for the peanut Butter cookies. Quite often these can by dry and crumbly, not tonight, Whomever made these, Oh My God....Fantastic!!!! Solid yet creamy, and delicious. If it were another time..I probably would have stolen all of them.


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