Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Computers .... computers....

A few years ago I decided to buy a computer for my father, I ran to the store and picked up an ACER. At home I plugged another line into the router and it was off and running. Since he has been gone the computer hasn't seen much activity, truthfully, none, it has been sitting in a pile in the den. Recently I decided to hook it up so as to have it in my room while this one (laptop) will be assigned to what is now a dining room and will soon be a ....room ...not used for dining. The Laptop and XBox run off wifi, so I decided why not hook up the main computer (my fathers) to wifi also. I find it amazing that a computer built in the last five years does not have wifi connections, it has no drivers for it, as a matter of fact it only knows two ways to connect, broadband DSL or dial up, Dial up? It doesn't even recognize cable. I guess its nice to be nostalgic, but five years ago ? You would think someone at the computer manufacturer would have put in drivers for wifi and cable, I mean they both existed at the time, as a matter of fact there were probably more people using those systems than dial up....DIAL UP?

What the @#$^ !!!!

On a side note, this blog, wouldn't you think by now, it would understand WIFI, DSL, and XBox without flagging them for spell correction.

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