Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Do you remember September 11th 2001?

Did you know, the following week the Formula One Circus raced at Monza in Italy. There was quite a bit of a debate as to whether of not they should race after so many people were murdered on 9-1-1. Intelligent minds stepped in and made the decision to race. If the actions of the terrorists dissuade us from doing what we enjoy, they win.

All the teams sported some sort of message in support of those who suffered, many (as with the Jordan Team shown below), had American Flags placed on their cars and on the team uniforms.

By far, the Company that went the furthest was Ferrari. 
The F2001 car is shown below in full normal race dress...

For the Monza Race, held on Sunday the 16th Ferrari showed up in Mourning. The car had no logos or decals except the car number and the noses were painted black.

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