Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What would you do with a random meteorite?

The Gibeon Meteorite was discovered by the Nama (Nambia) people, they used it to make tools and weapons. Since then, The Gibeon Meteorite has been used to make knives and jewelry. 

So, ther you is, sitting on yor bak porch, suckin down a beer, feet propped up checkin out yer bak 40 ta make sure thar ai'tn no varmits or trespassers, when all uf a sudden like, there is a bright trail and a damdable thud. Ya look over, and settin thar in the middle of your wifes veggitable gardun is a steaming pile o' metal.
What do ya do wit it?

Well, if'n yer the Cabot Gun Company you saw a hunk off the lump and come up with the Cabot Cosmos 1911.

Yes sirree, an honest to goodness meteorite handgun.

I'm not sure myself, but If I wanted grips for a 1911, I would probably go with wood.

Because I am one cheap ass son of a bitch.

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