Monday, June 13, 2016

Cybers Wars...A Futuristic event? Would you believe....

Right now, all the time.

I watched a show the other day, Nova on PBS, and it was about Cyber wars. everyday, all day, this nation is under attack. The attacks come from within and from foreign countries. It is a World wide war. The show talked about the new American Fighter jet, which China has stolen all the information on, not from the government but from all the companies making all the parts for the plane. How the U.S. has proof, and how they made it public.

It also went on to tell about the movie by Sony, a comedy which was going to be released in which Seth Rogan was suppose to kill the President of North Korea. Sony received threats on the internet saying if the movie were to be released there would be 9-1-1 style attacks against this nation. Sony forwarded the threats to the Government. The threats it turned out were tracked back to North Korea. 

The problem with a Cyber war is not knowing to what extent it can be allowed to go, shutting down countries power grids, water supplies, emergency services. everything is Web based or connected now. The other question is, what response a cyber attack could induce. If the power grids were interrupted in any country it would be a disaster both economically and socially. It would be a damaging attack and what response would be invoked? Nuclear missiles?

The fact is, we are at war right now. not just with other governments but with private individuals, corporations, or individual groups. Stealing, hacking, damaging, it is everyday and all day.  

The is a site you should check out, it is called Norse. Norse constantly tracks attack information, origins, targets, services, and types of attack. Billions and billions are spent every year to defend ourselves against these attacks.

The war you don't realize is waging, right behind your keyboard.

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