Monday, April 6, 2015


This weekend was a total waste, yes Saturday I did take both bikes out, gave them a ride, filled them up and gave Charlene a bath. The weather was warm enough but it was damn windy, change a lane type of wind gusts. I started with Charlene, took her to breakfast then out and about. Jenny, just took a short hop.

On Sunday it was not as warm, but had a lot less wind, Jenny got pretty much a gas and wash run only. When I got to the carwash I noticed that the screw that holds the seat that holds me on the bike was missing. I thought about running over to Mike's Famous but being Easter I doubted they were working. Then I remembered the alligator spring seats in the tub in the basement, both pillions had seat screws. A little digging through the bottom of the plastic tub and Viola, one seat screw.

Now with that fixed I had one thought on my mind, it wasn't about riding, it was how in the Hell did they get a Wa-la sound out Viola. Who the hell was in charge of word pronunciation that day?

In the afternoon, I went back to working in the house, I removed the shelf and mirror from the vestibule filled the holes, patched the area under the window and sanded them all down. Upstairs I unscrewed and took down one shelf and four shelf stays. That was enough for me.

Did I mention I ripped out the ceiling light which I installed in the kitchen last year? I ripped out the kitchen light that I installed in the kitchen last year. The lamp had two sealed in plastic guard neon lights in it. It was bright when you turned it on, but when it warmed up the lights dropped half their intensity. After five or so minutes it would come back to full power. After installing the ceiling fan in the dinning room I decided the kitchen could use one. So I put up the new fixture. The unit in the dining room takes a 100watt bulb in a glass dome. This one takes a 60watt chandelier bulb in a glass looking plastic dome. Which means I went from bright, dull, bright to dull.

The other thing I did yesterday was four loads of laundry, It turns out I have a lot of clothes and since I don't do laundry until I run low, it means a lot of washing and drying is done in one day. I even did the bed sheets and blankets. I actually never realized how much stuff I had until yesterday, when by throwing the bed covers down the chute and pushing them down with my foot to get the door to close, the door in the basement blew out it's hinges and dumped the chutes contents all over the basement floor. I thought about sorting through the clothes and see what I could get rid of, but a more financially sound mind took over. Throwing out clothes that fit makes no sense, so I remounted the clothes chute door with LARGER screws for the hinges. 

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