Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Let's test your knowledge of American History

Where was the northern most battle of the Civil War fought?

The Canadian/United States War....What? Was there one?

A lot of people do not realize where Gettysburg is or how close the Confederacy came to taking Washington. Then they look at the Map and realize Gettysburg Pennsylvania is rather far north for what a lot of Americas think of as a war centered in the south. Truth be known, until Gettysburg the Confederacy was on a constant march north and almost made it to Washington. But the northern most battle took place more north than most Americans know or live for that matter., The northern most battle of the Civil war took place on October 19th, 1864 in the town of St. Albans. (that would be in Vermont, almost Canada). A group of Confederates came into St. Albans in groups of 1 or 2 at a time. The leader actually had time to meet a young lady and in a weird turn of events was even given a tour of the Governor's mansion by the State's First Lady. Over time the reason for the St. Albans raid has been given to the South's revenge on the north for the handling of Southern Prisoners, or to pull much needed Northern Troops away from the larger battles further south, or to rob the banks in order to help the South's economy.

The raiders were mostly young, wearing civilian clothing and each carrying a navy .36 caliber pistol. The raiders leader announced he was a Confederate Officer and that they were taking the town, others in the group entered the banks where more hostages were taken. reports of gunfire in the streets brought the raid to an end as the Confederates made a retreat. Chase was given and the confederates headed into Canada with skirmishes along the way. Canada quickly closed the borders to keep any other rebels groups from entering and to keep the Americans from taking the ones that had been caught.
Within 24 hours, 14 had been captured and $87,000 recovered.

As far as a Canadian/ American war, the United States invaded Canada twice. Once during the Revolutionary War then again during the War of 1812. Seems being at odds with England made us want to take Canada. Unfortunately, Canada kicked our ass twice...


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