Monday, October 2, 2017

breakfast and supper

Ten o clock this morning I ordered a little sumptin to snack on. There's nothing like a bacon grinder, but...
There's a little sumptin ya have to have them do to it when they make it. To make the grinder they cook up the bacon first. The Pizza house I go to bakes the bacon in the Blodgett Pizza ovens in a tray.

They take a large grinder roll, add a smattering of Mayonnaise, a large dose of bacon, lettuce, tomato, salt and pepper, hold the cheese.

 Next have them toast the grinder and as a finishing touch, pour the bacon grease over the entire length of the sandwich. 

Ate half this morning, nice and toasty warm, eating the second half now, when the fat is like a congealed coat of white grease across the entire thing. 

DE- Licious 

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