Friday, September 9, 2016

The EE left Norton Virginia

The kids left Norton Virginia this morning and took 23 to 119 to 79 to 68 to 70. 

It was a pretty straight forward run and they got rained on, according to Doug it was Water balloon rain (??)

The ride today, even though it wasn't far took them from Virginia, into West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania (Danny's Fault) to Maryland, The skinny part of Maryland. Danny jumped them on route 70 west when they should have been on route 70 east. This is what comes from a person making County Chairman, 2nd VP, VP, and President without having been a Road Sargent or Road Captain.  Amateurs at the helm.

According to Doug the raindrops they encountered where pretty much like the Yellow Golf-ball bugs of Alabama. So they were smallish water balloons. (It's funny, I have heard of "The Rose of Alabamy" a song, but never before Doug had I heard of the "yellow Golf-ball bugs of Alabamy"

If there are any Entomologists out there or perhaps someone from Alabama and Maryland, Doug would like to know if they can identify what type of bugs he hit in Bama, and Along the route today, what type of bug leaves a giant purple splat with wings. According to him he has a big red splat on the left side of the windshield and an enormous purple splat on the right. 

Tomorrow the plan for them is to visit Dietrichs in Kutztown PA for meats, cheeses and assorted food stuffs and to go get Danny's bike dirty in Centrailia.  I will be heading out at 6 or 6:30 in a cage to meet them west of Allentown at Dietrichs with coolers.

Then I plan on heading home through Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, martins Creek, Bangor, Pen Argyl, East Stroudsburg, then north to Pittston and Scranton taking photos of railroads as I go before heading east and home.

I'm hoping to be bringing home with me,

  • Limburger Cheese
  • Lebanon Bologna
  • Lebanon Football (if you saw it you'd understand)
  • German Mince Bologna
  • Horseradish cheese
  • Blutwurst
  • Pickled hearts
  • Pickled Pig snouts
  • Pickled Lambs tongue
  • Pickled Beef tongue
  • Ring Bologna
  • Pork Roll

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